14 Indian nationals trapped in cybercrime scam in Cambodia rescued

Singapore, Jul 21 (PTI) Fourteen Indian citizens trapped in a cybercrime scam in Cambodia have been rescued and efforts are on to repatriate them, the Indian embassy in Cambodia has said.

The Indian embassy in Cambodia in collaboration with the authorities got the 14 Indian citizens released and they are being looked after by the Cambodian side, the embassy said in a post on X on Saturday.

In an official press release, the embassy in Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh said it has facilitated the rescue and repatriation of over 650 Indian citizens who had fallen victim to fraudulent job offers that lure them into cybercrime operations.

It said the embassy provided specific leads to the Cambodian police leading to their rescue. The rescued individuals are currently being cared for by an NGO working in collaboration with Cambodia’s Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation.

“The Embassy continues to closely monitor the situation and remains committed to protecting the welfare of Indian citizens in Cambodia. Indian nationals are advised to exercise extreme caution regarding any job offers in the country and to report any suspicious activities to the Embassy,” the release said.

In April, the Indian Embassy in Cambodia issued an advisory against fake job scams.

“It has come to attention that Indian nationals, lured by fake promises of lucrative job opportunities in Cambodia, are falling into the trap of human traffickers. These Indian nationals are coerced to undertake online financial scams and other illegal activities,” it said.

The embassy advised Indian nationals intending to visit Cambodia for employment to do so only through authorised agents. It also advised the jobseekers to thoroughly check the background of the prospective employer.