2 Day Capacity Building/ Training workshop for PAA held at Kupwara

KUPWARA, February 15: A two day capacity building cum training workshop for Panchayat Accounts Assistants (PAAs) of Kupwara district was today organised at Town hall Kupwara.

The capacity building cum training workshop was organised by the Rural Development department under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) on Localization of Sustainable Development Goals (LSDGs) in Panchayats through thematic approaches.

Assistant Commissioner Development (ACD) Kupwara, Hilal Ahmad Mir, and Assistant Commissioner Panchayats (ACP) Kupwara, Shabir Ahmad Wani jointly presided over the two day capacity building and training workshop.

In the training workshop, experts and trainees shared their experiences regarding strategies, approaches to institutionalize Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at grassroots levels in different themes. A detailed powerpoint presentation was presented to demonstrate the Gram panchayat development Plan (GPDP) and SDGs.

The main objective of the workshop was to exhibit the exemplary strategies, approaches, convergent actions and innovative models in context to capacity building and training; best practices; monitoring framework, incentivization and reflection of themes of SDGs into Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP).

The divisional level master trainers (MTs) Ashfaq Ahmad Malik and Mohamad Ashraf Malik elaborately discussed the SDG goals.

This workshop will provide a platform for the peer learning of Panchayats on various models to institutionalize the process of LSDGs through the lens thematic approach at grassroots level.

Pertinently,  in all the blocks of Kupwara district from November 2022 onwards  under RGSA  a total of 613 capacity building programmes were held where a total of 21630 elected representatives of panchayat Raj institutions and field functionaries participated and benefited from this major capacity building initiative.

On the occasion, the AC Development said that RDD & Panchayati Raj has adopted a thematic approach for Localization of Sustainable Development Goals (LSDGs) at the grassroots level through empowering Panchayats and other relevant stakeholders in Rural Areas.

The themes for Localization of Sustainable Development Goals include Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods in Village; Healthy Village; Child-Friendly Village; Water Sufficient Village; Clean and Green Village; Village with Self-Sufficient Infrastructure ;Socially Secured and Socially Just Village;  Village with Good Governance and Women Friendly Village.

It was further informed that the main focus of the revamped Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) is to equip the elected representatives and functionaries of the PRIs with adequate knowledge and skills for effective delivery on the SDGs through adopting thematic approaches of LSDGs.

“Panchayat plays a pivotal role in different developmental challenges like poverty, public health, nutrition, education, gender, sanitation, drinking water, livelihood generation etc which are sync with SDGs” , said the AC Panchayats, adding that the Panchayats are identified as key player in localization of SDGs adopting the 9 thematic approaches for good governance.