4-Day Dogri Literary and Cultural Festival commences at JKAACL Jammu
JAMMU, February 24: The Jammu & Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture, and Languages (JKAACL) has successfully begun with a 4-Day Dogri Literary and Cultural Festival at JKAACL premises in Jammu. The Festival intends to accommodate poets and artists of Dogri language.

The Festival was inaugurated by Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, IAS , Secretary to Govt.,Deptt. of Culture, J&K Government by lighting of Lamp in the presence of Dr. Jitender Udhampuri, Prof. Lalit Magotra, President Dogri Sanstha, Jammu, Prof. Veena Gupta, Sh. Bharat Singh, Secretary, JKAACL .
At the outset, Sh. Bharat Singh (JKAS), Secretary JKAACL, gave a heartfelt cordial welcome to everyone. While addressing the audience, he expressed that poets are the face of society; poets represent the inner thoughts of the social fabric through their ink; it is indeed a — special skill.
Prof. Veena Gupta presented keynote address on the challenges in Dogri Language and their solutions. She was followed by Prof. Lalit Mangotra who stressed upon translation of the Dogri Literature in other Languages and vice versa.
The chief Guest Dr. Abid in his speech gave stress on involving students and young generation towards the literary activities. Talking to the eminent writers and poets on the occasion he said that being the pillars of the Dogri Literature we have a responsibility to pass on this treasure to our younger generations. He also invited
suggestions regarding how we can provide the rich literary collections of the JKAACL to the students.
After this a cultural folk Gettru was presented by renowned artist Khajoor Singh and his Party which was highly appreciated by the audience.
After this Padamshree Jitender Udhampuri gave his precedential address in which he appreciated the efforts of JKAACL in promoting Dogri literature and culture along with other languages.
Dr. Arvinder Singh Amn , Additional Secretary, JKAACL presented Vote of thanks .The inaugural session was conducted by Dr. Ratan Basotra, Editor Dogri, JKAACL.
After the inaugural session paper reading session was organised in which Sh. Dhian Singh presented paper on ikkmi Sadi de Dogri Bal Sahitya De Parmukh Rujhaan, Dr. Om Goswami presented paper on Contibution of JKAACL towards Dogri Language and Literature, Sh. Rajinder Kumar Ranjha presented his paper on the topic “ Ikkimi sadi di Dogri Kavita De Kish Rujhaan”, and Sh. Surinder Sagar presented his paper on “Dogri Patarkarita Ik Jaiza”.
His session was ably conducted by Yash Pal Nirmal, Asstt. Editor, Dogri, JKAACL In the Poetry Session the poets who presented their poery were Parkash Premi ,Abhishap, Vijay Sharma, Tara Chand, T. R. Magotra Sagar, N. D. Jamwal, Jitender udhampuri, Surjeet Hosh, Babu Bhatti, Mohinder Panchervi, Dharam Pal Sharma, O. P. Bhajwalia, Balak Ram Bral, Amarjeet Sharma, Mohan Singh, Promila Manhas, Sunil Sharma, Subhash Farnalia and Vijaya Thakur The poetry Session was conducted by Vijaya Thakur.
After the poetry session Ram Ditta & Party presented Dogri Folk Geetru and enthralled the audience with his actions and voice.