5-Day All India Painter’s Camp inaugurated at JKAACL Jammu.
JAMMU, 27 July: The Jammu & Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture, and Languages (JKAACL) has successfully begun today with a 5-Day All India Painter’s Camp at K.L.saigal Hall, JKAACL premises in Jammu.

The Workshop was inaugurated by Bal Krishan, JKAS in the presence of T.S.Batra, Former Principal, IMFA, Jammu, O.P.Sharma, Director, JKCCA, Dr. Shahnawaz, Editor cum Cultural Officer, JKAACL, Rakesh Sharma, Head of Fine arts Department, IMFA, University of Jammu and S. Kulwant Singh prominent artist from Amritsar by putting up their signature on the cavas At the outset, Dr. Shahnawaz, Editor cum Cultural Officer welcomed the guests on behalf of Bharat Singh (JKAS), Secretary JKAACL. This 5-Day camp is being organised by the J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages in collaboration with J&K Centre for Creative Arts.
The prominent artists participating in the Camp include Jitinder Kumar from Delhi, Kulwant Singh Gill, Amritsar, S. Sukhpal Singh, Amritsar, Mohd. Moin, Dehradun, Dharminder Sharma, Amritsar,Tariq Saify, Poonch,Narinder Kumar and Parveen Gupta from Jammu The chief Guest Bal Krishan in his speech thanked JKAACL for inviting him for this function and providing opportunity to interact with prominent artists from across the Country. He said that what one cannot express with pen a painter expresses that with his art. He appreciated the efforts of J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages and especially the Secretary, JKAACL Bharat Singh for initiating such activities in Jammu and
Sh. O.P.Sharma, Director JKCCA in his address told about the importance of these Camps. He said that painting is a medium to express your thoughts on canvas. The artists will create their imaginations on the canvas during this 5-Day camp.
The proceedings of the program were conducted by Sh. Anil Tickoo, Asstt. Cultural Officer, JKAACL. He also presented vote of thanks on behalf of JKAACL.