5 days workshop on Content Enrichment & pedagogical skills concludes at JKSCERT Jammu
Jammu, 21 Jan 2023: A five day workshop on Content Enrichment and pedagogical skills in teaching ofHindi at Senior secondary level concluded today at JKSCERT Jammu.

This programme was organized by Department of Education In Languages(Academic Unit-I) JK SCERT Jammufrom 17 Jan.to 21 Jan. 2023 under the able guidance and supervision of Sh.H.RPakhroo ,worthy Joint Director,JKSCERT Jammu.
Worthy Joint Director inaugurated the programme formally.While addressing the gathering,he remarked that Hindi is the most spoken language of Indiaand it should be used to instill strong foundation and communication skills in students.He also laid stress on the need to update both content and pedagogical skills for professional growth and advancement of teachers.Welcome address was given by Sh.Kishore Kumar,Associate Professor and Head,Academic Unit-I,JKSCERT Jammu.
The programme was attended by 50 lecturers and sr. lecturers in Hindi who were invited from ten districts of Jammu Division.
The aim and objective of this programme was to orient the participants about the content and pedagogical skills in teaching of Hindi at senior secondary level.
The resource persons namely Dr.Jaspal Singh,Sr. Assistant Professor DDE,Dr.RajniPir,Master,Dr.Shabnam,Sr.A.O., Sh.DharamPal,Sr.Lect., Dr.BhagwatiDevi, AssistantProfessor,Sh.RakeshKumar,Sr.Lect.,Dr.Sapna Devi, Assistant Prof.,AlkaSharma,Sr.Lecturer,Dr.Parmeshwari,Retd.H.O.D were invited from different educational institutions of Jammu including University of Jammu.
Dr. SanjeevaniSharma,Assistant Professor and Ms Lakshmi Puri, Faculty SCERT,Jammu also acted as resource person.
They deliberated interactive and engaging sessions on various topics like history and origin of Hindi language and its evolution in different eras of history,development of various language skills,summarization of NEP 2020 keeping in view Hindi language,teaching of poems, prose,poetic devices,plays,fiction and grammar .
The training programme was coordinated byMtr. Shamim Nazki,Academic Officer.She was assisted by Ms.Monica Sharma,Academic Officer,JKSCERT Jammu.Ms.LakshmiPuri was the technical coordinator.The organizing team included Manisha Chun, NayeemaFirdous,SushmaKumari,ManjuChowdharyand Meena Thakur.
In his valedictory speech,Sh.H.R.Pakhroo , worthy Joint Director exhorted the participants to disseminate their experiences and learning acquired in this programme in classroom transactions so that the desired objective of the programme could be achieved in the real sense.Vote of Thanks was presented by Ms.Monica Sharma,Associate coordinator of the programme.