Director JKEDI chairs Gram Sabha at Shadab Karewa Shopian

SHOPIAN, April 10: Director, Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI), Ajaz Ahmad Bhat presided over a special Gram Sabha meeting today at Shadab Karewa Shopian in South Kashmir. 

The meeting was held in connection with the approval and finalisation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) 2023-24.

 Meanwhile, Arun Kumar Mehta, Chief Secretary, J&K Government also joined virtually in the Gram Sabha and interacted with the locals, sarpanchs and officers present. He informed  public that the Gram Panchayat meetings are being held across Jammu and Kashmir to finalise the GPDPs and ensure that they reflect the needs and aspirations of the community. The meetings provide an opportunity for locals to come together and participate in the decision-making process for their respective panchayats.

 A local resident, Abdul Rashid Khan also interacted with the Chief Secretary. 

This process will pave the way for the achievement of the Localisation of Sustainable Development Goals (LSDGs). The GPDPs are to be aligned with the 09 thematic areas for LSDGs, which are an integral part of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals and are key to ensuring that no one is left behind in the journey towards sustainable development.

 In his address, Director,  who is also the Prabhari Officer of the Panchayat, highlighted the role of Gram Panchayats in the overall development of the rural areas and urged the members to work towards improving the welfare of their respective villages. 

In order to ensure that the desired results are achieved, he stressed on the importance of collaboration and coordination among the various stakeholders. It was also directed that the concerned departments must come up with detailed plans as immediately as possible so as to be able to finalize the GPDP.

 The action plan for MGNREGA 23-24 was also discussed at the meeting.

 This plan outlines the various activities that will be undertaken in the rural areas under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).

 The plan is aimed at creating durable assets and generating employment opportunities for the rural population.

 At the conclusion of the meeting, Dir expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the members of the Gram Panchayat, officers, and local residents for their active participation and engagement throughout the meeting. He emphasized the importance of their involvement in the decision-making process for their respective panchayats and their valuable contributions towards achieving the desired developmental goals. He insisted the locals to download “Janbhagidari” app to monitor developmental works around their areas and participate in the process.

 He further reiterated the J&K Government’s commitment to supporting the region’s development and empowering its citizens. He assured them that the government will continue to provide all necessary assistance to help achieve the development targets set forth in the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) 2023-24. 

 Later in the day, he also distributed notebooks and stationery items among the school students. Block Development Officer, Shakeel Bhat and officers from all the line departments were present on the occasion.