SSR-2023: Kathua Admin working relentlessly to maximize Voter Participation

Imparts training to AWWs/AWHs, ASHA workers under SVEEP

KATHUA, APRIL 17: In continuation to its resoluteness to strengthen democratic system, the Kathua administration is leaving no stone unturned to maximize voter participation in the district. Under the guidance of the District Election Officer, the administration has been working tirelessly to ensure that every eligible voter in Kathua exercises his democratic right.

From launching voter education campaigns to making a spree of announcements via SVEEP Van, the administration has adopted a multifaceted approach to drive voter participation under the ongoing SSR.

The SVEEP campaign has been instrumental in creating awareness about the importance of voting and to ensure that every eligible voter is registered and informed about the voting process. Through a range of innovative campaigns, SVEEP has been reaching out to different segments of the population and encouraging them to participate in the electoral process.

The Kathua administration has also been leveraging technology to drive voter participation. The administration is publicising activities of SSR-ER via social and Print media, which allows voters to access information about the electoral system.

Besides, the administration has been collaborating with community leaders, civil society organizations, and PRIs to spread the message of voter education and electoral participation. Besides, the District Election cell has also roped in AWWs/AWHs and ASHA workers to acquaint them with the electoral process. These efforts have been particularly effective in mobilizing voters in remote and marginalized areas.

Speaking about the administration’s efforts, the District Election Officer Rahul Pandey stated, “We are committed to ensure that every eligible voter in Kathua exercises his democratic right. Our efforts are focused on creating awareness, accessibility, and inclusivity in the electoral process. We are confident that our efforts will result in a more informed and engaged electorate, and a more vibrant democracy”, he added.