Party of nationalists, BJP is a true friend of everyone: Ashok Koul

Retired Army personnel join BJP in presence of Ashok Koul

Budhal, Rajouri: Bharatiya Janata Party, (BJP) led by Ashok Koul, BJP General Secretary (Org.) held an organizational meeting of Budhal constituency, at Dak Bungalow, Kotranka.

Dev Raj Sharma, BJP senior leader and Incharge Budhal Constituency, organized the meeting. Jugal Kishore Dogra (Prabhari District Rajouri), and Dinesh Sharma (District President Rajouri) were the other prominent BJP leaders present on the occasion.

Retired Army personnel Naik Yash Paul Sharma , Naik Faiz Mohammed, Naik Subhash Chander, Sepoy Mohd Gafoor, Naik Mohan Lal Sharma, Sepoy Hardesh Singh, Sepoy Mohd Jameel, Naik Inderjeet Sharma, Capt Kabul Singh, Daleep Singh (Ex Sarpanch Sakri), Prem Singh (Member Panchayat Dhar sakri) and others were amongst the prominent to join BJP on the occasion.

Ashok Koul, while welcoming the new entrants praised the Army personnel for their bravery to serve the Nation at the frontier. He said that the residents of a great Nation could think of development and worldly pleasures, when a Jawan sacrifices own life very far away from near and dear ones. He said that the Indian forces have always brought great name to the Nation and saluted them from the core of heart.

Similarly, Koul said, BJP is a party of hardcore nationalists who sacrifice their own personal benefits and desires for the good of society and the Nation. He said that BJP under the strong leadership of Modi ji has proved itself to be a friend of everyone and has framed effective policies to meet the needs of every downtrodden.

Koul welcomed all the new entrants, while wishing them good luck with the new endeavour in the political life and expressed satisfaction that the brave Army Jawans have chosen BJP for their dedicated services.

Dev Raj Sharma assured the senior leadership that the new entrants will work for the welfare of the party and the society.

Jugal Kishore Dogra asked the new entrants to study the party principles and policies well while serving the party.

 Dinesh Sharma also welcomed the new entrants and assured them of full support from the BJP family.