Lecture cum interaction series commences at Jammu University

Fundamental Research the basis of Innovations- Prof. Balaram


Jammu, May 31- JU-Institution’s Innovation Council organised a Lecture cum Interaction series in University of Jammu. The series started with first lecture cum interactive session with Padmabhushan Prof. P. Balaram, Former Director IISc., Banglore. Prof. Balaram spoke on “Reflections on Science in the age of the Coronavirus”. Prof. Umesh Rai, Vice Chancellor of University of Jammu, Jammu was the Chief Guest of the occasion. Prof. Rai said that Prof. Balaram has great contributions in science of bio-membrane research. According to him the innovations can be achieved only when the basic research is in place. He also stressed upon the transdisciplinary research by dissolving the boundaries of individual subjects like Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Biology. 

Prof. Balaram also stressed upon the fact that the discovery of vaccine for COVID-19 was possible only because the discovery of Coronavirus was done decades before. Although the research on the subject initiated when pandemic arrived in 2019, but the fundamental research on the virus was done much much earlier and described by the lady Dorothy Hamre. According to him innovation is basically the execution of discoveries and inventions. Basic science is the backbone of technological evolution. Quoting a simple example of use of disinfectant like alcoholic sanitizers during the COVID-19 is the other face of a statement “soap, water and common sense are the best disinfectants” suggested long back by scientists. Further, he suggested that cultural traits must be taken into consideration while working for innovations. Prof. Rajni Kant, Dean Research Studies, University of Jammu said that COVID-19 has changed the lifestyle of human beings. According to him the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research is the key for putting new ideas and bringing them to fruition. Second lecture of the interaction series was held in the School of Biotechnology. At the outset Prof. Sanjana Kaul, welcomed the gathering and apprised them about the school of the Biotechnology, different programmes & courses and ongoing research in the school. Later Prof. Kaul invited Prof. Balaram for the lecture cum interaction. Prof. Balaram deliberated on “Science communication and public understanding of science” wherein he emphasised on a deep understanding of the importance of effective science in today’s world and its communication to the public in the right prospective.  He said that by harnessing various mediums and adopting to diverse audiences, one can enhance scientific literacy, foster curiosity, and drive positive change in society, His lecture served as a reminder for the critical role of science in today’s society.Earlier, Prof. Rakesh Vaid, Convener JU-IIC, formally welcomed the speaker, guests and students and Prof. Veenu Kaul, President JU-IIC spoke on the Institution’s Innovation Council and its activities in the campus. Prof. Jyoti Vakhlu introduced the speaker to the audience. Dignitaries and faculty members who were present during the occasion include Prof. Beechan Lal, Vice Chancellor, Cluster University of Jammu, Prof. H. Balaram, Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, Prof. R. N. Gohil, Prof. Geeta Sumbali, Prof. Anju Bhasin Dean Sciences, Prof. Prakash Anthal Dean Student Welfare, Prof. Yash Pal Sharma, Rector Udhampur Campus, Prof. Alka Sharma, Prof. Kamal Kapoor, Prof. Satya Paul, Dr. Madulika, Dr. Sikander, Dr. Geeta, Dr. Sheetal, Dr. Nisha, Dr. Harish etc. Scientists from CSIR-IIIM, faculty from affiliated college and students from other departments of Other Universities of the region also attended this session The proceedings were conducted by Dr. Skarma whereas Dr. Jiatinder and Dr. Ripu moderated the session. A Vote of the thanks was extended by Prof. Jyoti Vakhlu.