Advisor Bhatnagar inaugurates first ever North Zone NeoCon-2023 Conference at SKICC

SRINAGAR, JUNE 09: Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar today inaugurated first ever two days North Zone NeoCon-2023 Conference at SKICC here.

The two day conference is being organised by Department of Paediatrics and Neonatology, Government Medical  College (GMC) Anantnag  on June 9 and June 10, 2023.

President NNF, India, Dr. Praveen Kumar; Director SKIMS, Dr. Parvaiz Ahmad Koul ; Principal GMC Anantang, Dr. Syed Tariq Qureshi; Principal SKIMS-MC Bemina , Dr Irfan Robbani, medical fraternity of different colleges and large number of medical students were also present on the occasion.

Addressing the gathering, Advisor Bhatnagar remarked that the conference will be very successful platform  to contribute towards bringing  improvement in neonatal care in Kashmir and will have a huge impact in decreasing Neonatal mortality further. He added that Central and UT Governments  have given health sector a top priority  to improve over all health of the society at large by its holistic approach.

The Advisor highlighted that the medical infrastructure is being upgraded across the length and breadth of Jammu and Kashmir and world class medical care facilities are being provided to citizens here. He congratulated Principal GMC Anantnag and National Neonatology Forum for organising such a crucial  conference which is addressing a pressing issue of our society.

Secretary Health and Medical Education,  Bhupinder Kumar  in his address through video conferencing  said that neonatal care and optimal treatment has huge impact in decreasing infant mortality rate. He said that Govt is further strengthening the maternal and child care services through RCH programme under NHM scheme.

Patron and Principal GMC Anantnag, Dr (Prof)  Syed Tariq Qureshi, while speaking on the occasion said that this conference is designed to update healthcare professionals with the latest evidence-based practices and equip them with the necessary skills to improve neonatal care and outcomes.

Pertinently, this two days conference is focusing on several important areas related to neonatal health and medical practice. Topics being covered included neonatal resuscitation, neonatal ventilation, Quality improvement, neonatal nursing and  other common neonatal  health issues and interventions.