Criminal booked under PSA in Reasi; lodged in District Jail Amphalla

REASI, 13 June 2023: Working on the multipronged strategy of Reasi Police to deal with the notorious criminals, District Police Reasi booked a notorious criminal of Reasi under Public Safety Act (PSA) and lodged him in District Jail Amphalla Jammu on Tuesday.

Makbool Ahmed @ Tian R/O Gran Morh Reasi was found involved in many criminal cases. In view of his continuous involvement in variety of criminal cases and to safeguard the general public it was necessary to book him under stringent law.

On the directions of SSP Reasi Amit Gupta, his dossier for PSA was framed and sent for the necessary detention order to DM who formally issued the order of their detention under the PSA. Today by the order of DM Reasi, he was arrested and lodged in District Jail Amphalla Jammu under PSA.