GDCW Kathua celebrated International Day against DrugAbuse and Illicit Trafficking 

KATHUA JUNE 26: The NSS unit and Red Ribbon Club, of Govt. Degree College for Women Kathua in Collaboration with Jammu and Kashmir Aids Control Society under the banner of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and Presidency of G20 celebrated the “International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” on 26th June 2023.

The Programme was organized under the Patronize of Dr Savi Behl, esteemed Principal of the college. On this Occasion, an awareness lecture was organized on this occasion. Dr Arun Dev Singh NSS Programme Officer of Red Ribbon Club delivered a lecture on the topic and awared the NSS volunteers and the students. In his speech, he highlighted the need to create awareness about the drug menace in society.

He also talked about the present status of drug menace in India and in particular, Kathua district. Most addicts are between the age group of 15 and 35, and many are unemployed. He further mentioned how the COVID-19 has disrupted the lives of people and presented unique challenges for people with substance use disorders and in recovery. Indian Govt has already started world-wide programs to eliminate abuse of Drugs from the society and Ministry for Social Justice and Empowerment itself disclosed in the report that 272 districts are most affected in India and many programmes are being conducted in all over India to curb drug users and drug peddlers. He revealed in his lecture that the Police is working in India efficiently and he also disclosed that the district Kathua is much affected because its border is connected with Punjab.

He further suggested the students of the college that they should be vigil-lent and alert all the times and if anybody comes into their notice they should immediately share information to the nearby Police station or dial on number 100 and he also conveyed them that the police provides services for the identification, treatment, and rehabilitation of addicts through volunteer organizations. He also emphasized the role of society in curbing drug addiction issues. He motivated the students to adopt healthy life style and refrain from drugs. He reiterated that the students can play a pivotal role in creating awareness about drug-de-addiction in the society. He emphasized upon the need to raise mass awareness against the drugs abuse and its ill effects. Further, he talked in detail about the ill effects of use of drugs. He briefed that the Drug menace is one of the major challenges in the society.

It’s not only ruins the abuser but also the family and the whole society. It can be eradicated only through awareness and prevention, and our fight is with the drug menace, not with the addicted persons. He appealed each and every one to join hands in the fight against the drug menace. He exhorted upon the need to rise against drug abuse and enhance cooperation to achieve a drug-free society. The Faculty members present on this occasion were Prof. Ashwani Khajuria , Prof. Ravinder Kaur. Prof. Pankaj Nandan, Dr. Babita Jamwal, Dr. Naresh Sharma, Prof. Raj Kumari, Prof. Pallavi, Dr Rajni Khajuria, Dr. Vaishno Devi, Dr Surekha, Dr Mukesh , Dr Varchaskam, Prof Satish Khajuria, Dr. Usha Kiran, Dr. Ritu Raj, Dr. Anupam and others. A total of 100 students attended the lecture.