Devender Singh Rana listens to public grievances at BJP headquarter

JAMMU, January 05: J&K BJP senior leader & former MLA Devender Singh Rana, listened to the grievances of a large number of people belonging to different areas of Jammu & Kashmir at party headquarter, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu.

Individuals and deputations of people from various areas of Jammu & Kashmir had reached Trikuta Nagar office to meet these leaders with their grievances. They narrated their woes and sought kind intervention of the party leaders to get their problems solved.

Devender Singh Rana gave patient hearing to the problems presented by the people, which were immediately taken up with the concerned officials of the departments stressing for early resolution so that the people are not made to suffer.

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Devender Singh Rana said that BJP is committed to uphold the treasured mission of Prime Minister Narendra Modi ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas by ensuring all segments of society, irrespective of caste, religion and region, on the path of progress and development.

Rana further said that trusting the BJP’s commitment in reaching out and solving the issues of the public, people in large number visit the BJP office to present their issues with a strong belief on the party. He added that the party leaders make sincere efforts to sort out the issues presented by the people by taking them up at the appropriate platforms.