BJP District Jammu holds IT and Social Media In-charges Meeting

JAMMU July 11: BJP District Jammu held a meeting of IT & Social Media In-charges at under the leadership of District President Parmod Kapahi along with District Jammu Prabhari Sh Rajeev Charak in which IT & Social Media Incharges of District Jammu, five Mandals and seven Morchas were present.

While addressing In charges Parmod Kapahi emphasized on importance of social media  in present time of politics and how important is to highlight achievements of 9 years of  BJP’s Modi Govt through various Social Media platform. He also stressed upon Incharges to highlight various welfare  schemes launched by Modi Govt for people of J& K through Social Media & IT . Rajeev Charak while speaking recalled how social media played important role in 2014 elections and told every party worker to be active on Social Media platforms and use all new IT initiatives launched by party for maximum outreach as this election year  till 2024 elections.

Naveen Sharma District IT Incharge conducted proceedings of the meeting, Satya Bhushan Dubey presented Vote of thanks. Also present in the meeting were Sh Rajesh Gupta District General Secretary, Sh. Ashok Kumar Vistarak and others.