DDC Council Kathua discusses modalities to finalize plans under Capex Budget 2023-24

KATHUA, July 14: To discuss the modalities for the formulation of developmental plan under District Capex Budget 2023-2024, the District Development Council Chairperson Kathua, Mahan Singh today chaired a meeting of the DDC members and concerned District officers, here in conference Hall of DC Office Complex.

DC Kathua Rakesh Minhas; Vice Chairman, DDC, Raghunandan Singh; Chief Planning Officer, DDC members, XEN PDD, CMO, CEO, XEN PHE, XEN irrigation, XEN PMGSY besides other District officers attended the meeting.

At the very outset, ADDC, Ankur Mahajan apprised the council about the status of the plans being formulated in consultation with concerned PRIs. 

The DDC Chairman Col (Retd) Mahan Singh exhorted the council members to take up projects of public importance under current allocation of district Capex so as to meet the popular development aspirations of the people.

Underscoring the need to complete the projects of critical importance, the DDC Chairman said JJM projects under implementation across the district will provide great relief to the inhabitants especially residing in kandi and hilly pockets of the region. He expressed hope that all 299 water supply schemes under JJM will be completed by the end of December 2023.

The Chairman DDC Kathua also highlighted the issue of borewell not materializing and asked the concerned executing agencies to explore the alternative arrangements to meet the drinking water needs of the people.  

Highlighting the issue of pending MGNREGA wage payments, the DDC called for timely disbursement of payments to the job card holders. The DDC Nagri called for organizing awareness camps so as to sensitize and educate the masses about the benefits of 100 day of job guarantee under MGNREGA.   

Earlier, ADDC Kathua suggested more allocation of funds by PRIs for proper face-lifting of Amrit Sarovars.  

While discussing the health scenario of the district, the issue of shortage of medical staff and requisite infra to cater the healthcare demands of the rural populace came to the fore.

While reviewing the JPDCL sector, the council highlighted the issue of erratic power supply, lack of electric poles and delay in execution of tendered works.  The DC directed Executive Engineer JPDCL to look into the matter and fix the responsibility for slow pace. 

The DDC Chairperson urged all the DDC members and District officers to coordinate with each other for formulation of rational plans maintaining the sanctity of the 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj.