3-Day training program on Drug Control measures concludes at Ramban

RAMBAN, July 22: The awareness activities on different informative sessions were held during a 3-Day Capacity Building Program being organised by the department of Social Welfare on early detection of Drug Abuse and post detection management at Conference Hall, Maitra successfully concluded under the aegis of Deputy Commissioner Ramban Mussarat Islam.

Training program being organised under the supervision of District Social Welfare Officer, Rahul Gupta, in collaboration with ICDS, Health and Education Department as part of JK UT Government’s Action Plan to counter the challenge of drug abuse and eradicate this menace by creating a pool of Master Trainers to create an effective team on ground level under the National Action Plan For Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR). 

President Municipal Council Ramban Sunita Sumberia presided over the function whereas various Municipal Councilors, senior officers from different departments attended the program.

While speaking on the occasion President MC   emphasized on the importance of creating awareness and spreading knowledge on these topics to prevent drug abuse and promote sustainable livelihood.

She impressed upon the participants especially youth to highlight the importance of creating awareness and spreading knowledge to prevent drug abuse and promote sustainable livelihood.

During the Capacity Building Program the   students   Anganwadi   workers and other volunteers were trained on how to tackle the menace of drug abuse, early detection of drug addiction, counseling of youth and de-addiction.

Experts from the Social Welfare and Education department besides other resource persons delivered an effective lecture on the topic besides interacting with the participants.

Drug Control Officer, Imtiyaz Ahmed also sensitized the participants to desist from taking medicines and health services from any unregistered medical stores and medicos.

He also requested the gathering to put a vigil on persons involved in the trade of Narcotics & Psychotropic drugs, and inform the concerned if they found any violation of rules.