China condemns attack outside Taliban Foreign Ministry in Kabul

Kabul [Afghanistan], January 12 (ANI): China has condemned the attack that took place outside the Taliban Foreign Ministry on Wednesday, which killed at least five people and injured many others.

China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin in a regular press conference on Thursday strongly condemned the explosion and said that the country opposes all acts of violent terrorism. Responding to a media query on Wednesday bombing outside the Afghan foreign ministry in Kabul, Wang Wenbin said, “We noted relevant reports. China firmly opposes all acts of violent terrorism. We strongly condemn this incident, mourn for the victims and extend sympathies to the people whose family members were killed and those who were injured in the incident.”

The Chinese spokesperson further stated that there were no Chinese casualties in this terrorist attack. Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who lives near the ministry, condemned the explosion, calling it an “act of terrorism, a crime against humanity and an act against all human and Islamic values.” The United Nations also condemned the attack.

“This is just another example of the rising insecurity which is of great concern to us,” UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said. It is “no way to bring any sort of peace to Afghanistan.” In a statement, United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said expressed its condolences to the affected families and said that violence is not part of any solution to bring lasting peace to Afghanistan. “UNAMA condemns today’s attack outside Foreign Ministry in Kabul.

Reports of numerous casualties, including civilians. Rising insecurity is of grave concern. Violence is not part of any solution to bring lasting peace to #Afghanistan. Our condolences to the families affected,” UNAMA tweeted. More than 40 wounded were brought to a surgical center in Kabul run by Emergency NGO, a humanitarian organization. Stefano Sozza, Emergency’s director in Afghanistan, said casualty numbers were continuing to rise as the situation unfolded.

“The death toll is still rising,” he said. “This is the first mass casualty in 2023, but certainly one of those with the most patients since the beginning of 2022. So much so, that we have also set up beds in the kitchens and canteen.”

Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan in August 2021, armed groups linked to the Afghan branch of the Islamic State have carried out bombings targeting ethnic Hazaras, Afghan Shias, Sufis, and others, killing and injuring hundreds. Afghanistan has reported a number of blasts since the start of 2023. Several blasts were reported in the capital city this month including one year Kabul military airport.