DC Rajouri presides over Grand Function hosted at BHHS to Celebrate Gandhi Jayanti

RAJOURI, October 02: In a momentous celebration of the 154th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a mega function was presided over by Deputy Commissioner Rajouri, Vikas Kundal, at Boys Higher Secondary School Rajouri.

The event held today, brought together students, teachers and other dignitaries to pay homage to the Father of the Nation and reflect on his invaluable contributions to India’s freedom struggle and his enduring legacy of non-violence and truth.

DC delivered a thought-provoking address during the celebration. He emphasized the relevance of Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings in the present times, stressing the importance of truth, non-violence, and harmony. He also highlighted the pivotal role that Gandhiji played in India’s struggle for independence and his tireless efforts to unite a diverse nation under the banner of non-violence.

Deputy Commissioner also urged the students to embrace Gandhian principles in their lives, stating, “Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy transcends time and borders. His message of peace and non-violence is as pertinent today as it was during the freedom struggle. It is up to the youth to carry forward his ideals and work towards a more just and equitable society.”

The DC concluded the event by encouraging all present to practice Gandhian values in their daily lives and to be torchbearers of change, echoing the timeless message of “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

This remarkable celebration of Gandhi Jayanti at Boys Higher Secondary School in Rajouri underscored the enduring legacy of Mahatma Gandhi and his teachings, reaffirming their relevance in today’s world. It served as a powerful reminder of the need to uphold the principles of truth, non-violence, and unity as India continues its journey towards progress and social harmony.

In addition to celebrating Mahatma Gandhi’s life, the occasion provided an opportunity for the local community to come together and strengthen their bonds. It served as a platform for dialogue and unity, fostering a sense of collective responsibility towards building a better society.

The grand function at Boys Higher Secondary School in Rajouri was not just a one-day event but a call to action. It inspired all attendees to actively engage in community service and social initiatives that align with Gandhian principles. By carrying forward the torch of his teachings, individuals can contribute to a more compassionate and inclusive India, where the values of truth and non-violence continue to guide us towards a brighter future.

In conclusion, this celebration of Gandhi Jayanti was a heartfelt tribute to a visionary leader who dedicated his life to the service of humanity. It highlighted the enduring relevance of his teachings and the importance of incorporating them into our daily lives. As we move forward, let us remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi and strive to create a world that reflects his vision of peace, harmony, and justice.

The event was attended by the District Panchayat Officer, Auqil Nuvaid; Chief Education Officer, Sultana Kouser; faculty members and students.