22nd edition of Lalit Arpan Festival explores balance between opposing forces through dance performances

New Delhi, Oct 4 (PTI) Indian classical dance performances by exponents of Kathak, Bharatanatyam, Odissi and Mohiniyattam will explore the intricate balance between male-female, yin-yang, positive-negative, and virility-grace at the 22nd edition of Lalit Arpan Festival.

Based on the theme of ‘Dviparna’, which delves into the harmonious interplay of opposing forces, the two-day festival aims to inspire the audience by presenting various dimensions of classical performing arts, such as solo or group presentations, dance dramas, and ensembles.

Currently underway at the India Habitat Centre (IHC), the dance festival is organised by Asavari, a school run by Kathak guru Shovana Narayan.

“Our festival aims to convey a meaningful message through the captivating medium of art, mainly through the power of storytelling. In staying true to our tradition, we have given the festival the title of ‘Dviparna’, which aptly captures the essence of our artistic and narrative vision.

“Through art, we can explore the delicate balance between male and female energies, positive and negative forces, the balance between light and dark, good and evil, and other opposing elements,” said the Padma Shri awardee in a statement.

The artistes performing during the festival include Kathak exponent Pallavi Lohani, Bharatanatyam dancer Suhail Bhan, Odissi exponent Vishwanath Mangaraj and Mohiniyattam danseuse Megha Nair.

The festival will come to a close on Thursday.