Two arrested for illicit timber trafficking in Bandipora

In a significant crackdown on illegal timber operations, Bandipora Police have successfully recovered illicit forest timber at Kanibathi Kehnusa Aloosa. Two individuals involved in the illegal activity have been apprehended, marking a decisive step towards curbing environmental crimes in the region.

The operation, led by vigilant officers of the Bandipora Police, resulted in the seizure of a substantial quantity of illicit forest timber at Kanibathi Kehnusa Aloosa. The two individuals arrested in connection with the crime were found actively engaged in the illegal felling and transportation of timber, violating environmental regulations and endangering precious forest resources.

Taking swift action, police have initiated legal proceedings against the offenders, invoking relevant sections of the law to ensure justice is served. The cognizance has been taken under the appropriate legal provisions at PP Aloosa, under the jurisdiction of PS Bandipora.