Awami Action Committee to resume protest campaign in Muzaffarabad from May 27 over unmet demands

Muzaffarabad [PoJK], May 21 (ANI): The Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee (JKJAAC) has announced the resumption of its protest campaign in Muzaffarabad starting May 27.

This decision comes in the wake of eight key demands that the committee has put forth, which they assert must be met to halt their actions. The JKJAAC’s demands include the transfer of all hydropower projects, including the Mangla Dam, to the government of Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK).

They are also demanding the declaration of PoJK as a load-shedding-free zone, the establishment of a judicial commission comprising high court judges to investigate corruption within the PoJK Food Department.

Speaking to ANI, Amjad Ayub Mirza, a political activist from PoJK, said, “The demands also include the cessation of privileges for the ruling elite, the allocation of flour in PoJK according to the population’s requirements, and the abolition of all cases filed against the JKJAAC since 2022.”

He added that the immediate release of all political prisoners, including seven individuals currently detained in Mirpur, and legal action against officials involved in violence against participants of the long march are also among the demands by JKJAAC.

The JKJAAC’s decision to resume protests underscores the growing frustration and impatience among the people of PoJK regarding governance and resource allocation issues.

The call for a judicial probe into corruption and the demand for equitable resource distribution highlight significant concerns over systemic inefficiencies and injustices.

As the May 27 deadline approaches, all eyes will be on the response from the authorities. The JKJAAC’s resolve to continue their protests indicates a pivotal moment for the region, potentially heralding significant political and administrative changes.