RPF arrests 83 drug peddlers and traffickers during special anti-narcotics drive

New Delhi, Feb 8 (PTI) The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has seized narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances “valued at Rs 4.7 crore” with the arrest of 83 peddlers and traffickers and rescued 35 boys and 27 girls during a month-long drive, the ministry said Wednesday.

The RPF is entrusted with the responsibility of security of railway property, passenger area, passengers and related matters. With the railway being the “preferred” mode of trafficking narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for long distances, the RPF conducted the month-long nationwide drive NARCOS.

During this campaign, RPF “detected 88 cases and recovered NDPS valued at Rs. 4.7 crore with the arrest of 83 peddlers/traffickers of NDPS and also succeeded in rescuing 35 boys and 27 girls from their clutches over the last month”, the ministry said.

Railways have outsourced many of their works and services to outside agencies and contractors. This has resulted in many outsiders working or operating on railway premises and in trains.

Incidents have been reported, wherein, these outsourced staff indulged in activities that are illegal and criminal cases have been registered against them.

“RPF is working in a mission mode to ensure that the credentials and criminal antecedents of all the persons engaged in contractual work in railways are verified by the police concerned and only persons having no criminal antecedents are allowed in the railway system.

“A focused initiative in this regard was taken and the contractors were directed to comply with the condition of police verification of their staff,” the ministry said.