GDC Billawar celebrated International  Yoga Day

GDC Billawar celebrated International Day of Yoga by organizing a Yoga session in the campus’ main building courtyard on June 21st 2024. The event was conducted under the mentorship of Prof. (Dr.) Alka Sharma, Principal, GDC Billawar. The day was observed with an objective to create awareness about physical and mental wellbeing. The session was conducted by Dr. Manu Sharma, Head, Deptt. of English, along with two students Diksha Thakur (NSS Volunteer) and Gulshan Singh (NCC Cadet) GDC Billawar. The session was attended more than 50 participants including students and faculty of the college.  Various Suksham Pranayams like Kapalbhati, Anulom Vyom and Bhramri were performed with great energy and enthusiasm. 

Principal, GDC Billawar Prof. (Dr.) Alka Sharma gave her insights of the day by providing information about the importance of yoga in our lives and how its daily practice can affect our life by keeping us both physically and mentally strong.