PoJK: Environmental destruction due to rampant deforestation raises local concerns

Muzaffarabad [PoJK], June 27 (ANI): Rampant deforestation in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) has caused severe disruptions to the local ecosystem, affecting bird and animal species that inhabit the region’s forests.

“The forests in several valleys of PoJK are being cleared under the pretext of agricultural development and urban expansion,” said Abdul Wahab Kiyani, a local resident.

He expressed deep concern over the environmental impact, stating, “This relentless cutting of trees and burning of grasslands is depleting our local flora and fauna. Predatory animals like tigers and wolves are now encroaching into urban areas, posing risks to residents.”

Kiyani emphasised the adverse effects of tourism on the region, noting that visitors contribute to environmental degradation by littering rivers and disrupting the natural balance. “This disrupts our local weather patterns by several months and undermines our ecological balance, which is also crucial for our livelihoods,” he added.

Meanwhile, similar environmental challenges are observed in Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan (PoGB), where climate change has led to significant shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns, impacting regional vegetation and wildlife habitats.

Sayed Yasir Abbas, an ecological expert from PoGB, highlighted the broader implications of climate change on local ecosystems. “The delayed snowfall last year disrupted the migration and feeding cycles of wildlife, affecting both their habitats and the livelihoods of local communities dependent on natural resources,” Abbas explained.

He underscored the economic repercussions of these environmental changes, stating, “Local communities in Gilgit Baltistan rely heavily on forest resources, and fluctuations in these due to climate change have affected employment and revenue generation.”

Climate change-induced alterations in vegetation and wildlife habitats pose profound challenges for environmental management in vulnerable regions like PoGB. Abbas stressed the need for sustainable practices and environmental conservation efforts to mitigate these impacts.

The ongoing degradation of forests and natural habitats in PoJK and PoGB highlights the urgent need for concerted efforts to preserve biodiversity and mitigate the effects of climate change on fragile ecosystems.