District Development Council Kathua approves Annual plan for 2024-25

Rs 9030.14 Lakh plan pegged to meet developmental needs of the district

KATHUA, JULY 08: To finalise the developmental plan under District Capex Budget 2024-2025, District Development Council Kathua met under the Chairmanship of Col (Retd) Mahan Singh here today in the conference Hall of DC Office Complex.

DC Kathua Rakesh Minhas; Vice Chairman, DDC, Raghunandan Singh; DDC members, ADDC Kathua, Surinder Mohan, Chief Planning Officer Ranjeet Thakur, ACD, ACP, CMO, CEO, XEN PHE, XEN Irrigation, XEN PMGSY, BDOs besides other District officers attended the meeting.

At the outset, DC apprised the council that in view of the end of the tenure of BDCs and Sarpanchs, the government has assigned the task of Plan formulation to the respective BDOs of the Block as Administrators. “The BDOs have drafted the plan in consultation with concerned PRIs with the focus on creating substantial development assets especially in Health and Education Sectors, besides taking up maximum number of convergence works under MGNREGA,” he added.

The DDC council members, after detailed deliberations, unanimously approved the Capex Plan pegged at ₹ 90, 30,14,000/- to meet development needs of the district. The Council also unanimously passed the resolution that the allocated funds shall be used for the capital projects of allocated sectors. Besides, it decided to give priority to projects that align with the district’s strategic developmental goals as outlined in the plan. The meeting also resolved that the District Administration shall provide quarterly reports to the DDC on the progress of capital projects and expenditures wherein District Treasurer is authorized to disburse funds in accordance with the approved budget and subject to applicable financial regulations.

Earlier, DDC Chairman Col (Retd) Mahan Singh exhorted the council members to focus on the projects of public importance under current allocation of district Capex so as to meet the popular development aspirations of the people.

Underscoring the need to complete the projects of critical importance, DDC Chairman said JJM projects under implementation across the district will give relief to the inhabitants especially residing in kandi and hilly pockets of the region.

The Chairman DDC Kathua also highlighted the issue of some pending Flood protection assets to which XEN Flood Control apprised that major flood protection works are under execution, further informed that some works are to be completed through NABARD funding.

While reviewing the JPDCL sector, the council highlighted the issue of erratic power supply, lack of electric poles and delay in execution of tendered works, the DC directed AEE JPDCL to look into the matter besides fixing responsibilities of the concerned contractors to execute the works within stipulated timelines.

The DDC Chairperson urged all the DDC members and District officers to coordinate with each other in execution of rational plans maintaining the sanctity of the 3-tier system of Panchayati Raj.

Vice Chairman Raghunandan Singh exhorted upon the need to make quality asset creation within timelines alongwith playing joint supervisory role by Officers and Elected PRIs.

Earlier, CPO Kathua gave a powerpoint presentation on the sector wise funds earmarked for the works.