Dr Vikas opposes JU order on lecture basis engagement of contractual staff

50% reservation sought for JU PhD holders in teaching vacancies

Jammu:01-08-24: The former president of Jammu University Research Scholars’ Executive Association (JURSEA), Dr Vikas Sharma today lambasted the Jammu University (JU) authorities for not conducting the interviews of Contractual Teaching Staff for the session 2024-25 and instead ordered the engagement on lecture basis.

Addressing a press conference, Dr Sharma said that the contractual staff will now get less than half of the amount what they were getting earlier. “Their honorarium will be calculated on the basis of total lectures they have given. This is injustice with the contractual teaching staff. And, this order is in contravention to the Court order which ordered equal salary to contractual and regular staff in Universities,” he said.

He demanded the immediate roll back of the order which is autocratic and against the interest of highly educated youth who were engaged on contractual basis. He threatened to launch agitation against this discriminatory order if the same is not withdrawn.

Dr Sharma also took up the issue of scholars and students of the varsity saying that they don’t have forum to raise their genuine demands and seeking redressal of their grievances and demanded the revival of Scholars’ Association and conduct of elections for Students Cultural Council.

He sought immediate revival of JURSEA to provide a forum to the scholars of varsity to discuss and take up their issues before the authorities for redressal. “University had decided to abolish JURSEA and the Cultural Council and paved the way for JU Students’ Union, which got entangled in a legal battle. And since then Scholars and Students are without representation,” he said.

Dr Sharma urged the JU authorities to revive the two erstwhile bodies for the sake of students and scholars.

He also demanded that 50 percent reservation be given to the University graduated scholars in the teaching posts as currently all the posts are being occupied by the outsiders leaving no scope for the ones who have obtained PhD from Jammu University.