Chief Agriculture Officer Kishtwar holds meeting to Fix Procurement Rates for Saffron Corms

KISHTWAR, AUGUST 03: A pivotal meeting was held today at the Chief Agriculture Officer (CAO) Office in Kishtwar to determine the procurement rates for saffron corms (planting material) required under the Area Expansion in Niche Crops initiative of the Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP).

The meeting was chaired by Amjad Hussain Malik, Chief Agriculture Officer, Kishtwar. It brought together key stakeholders, including DAO Kishtwar Khalid Bashir Zarger, Saffron Development Officer Amarjeet Singh Sen, SDAO Marwah Mazoor Ahmed Zarger, SMS-III Jatinder Singh, and other field officers from the department.

The primary objective of the meeting was to engage with field staff and progressive saffron growers to set fair and beneficial procurement rates for saffron corms. This initiative is a critical component of the HADP, aimed at expanding the area under niche crops and boosting saffron production in the region.

During the meeting, CAO Amjad Hussain Malik emphasized the importance of supporting local saffron growers through appropriate pricing strategies that ensure their economic sustainability while promoting the growth of this high-value crop. He highlighted the government’s commitment to fostering agricultural development and enhancing the livelihoods of farmers in Kishtwar.

Discussions focused on various factors affecting the procurement rates, including current market conditions, production costs, and quality standards for saffron corms. The inputs from progressive saffron growers were particularly valuable, as they shared their experiences and challenges, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the ground realities.

DAO Kishtwar Khalid Bashir Zarger and Saffron Development Officer Amarjeet Singh Sen provided insights into the technical aspects of saffron cultivation and the benefits of using high-quality corms for better yield and productivity. They also discussed the ongoing support measures and resources available to farmers under the HADP.
The meeting concluded with a consensus on the procurement rates for saffron corms, ensuring they are fair and beneficial for both the growers and the agriculture development goals of the region. The agreed-upon rates will be implemented to facilitate the procurement process and support the expansion of saffron cultivation in Kishtwar.

This initiative marks a significant step towards enhancing saffron production in Kishtwar, contributing to the overall agricultural development of the region. The collaborative efforts of the CAO Office, field staff, and progressive saffron growers underscore the commitment to achieving sustainable agricultural growth and improving the livelihoods of local farmers.