Goa: IWAI building jetties, working on communication system under nationalisation of rivers project

Panaji, Aug 5 (PTI) As a part of the Central government’s nationalisation of rivers project, the Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) is undertaking developmental works strictly planned and proposed by the state for dredging, navigation and berthing facilities in Goa, the legislative assembly was informed.

State Ports Minister Aleixo Sequeira told the House on Friday that projects, including jetties and communication systems, were being implemented under the nationalisation of rivers scheme.

In 2013, the proposal for the project was studied and initially not considered, as the state was apprehensive that the Centre might interfere in its affairs and take all the powers, he said.

“However, under Article 246 of the Constitution, the Parliament has exclusive legislative power to make laws on any matter enumerated in List 1 of the Seventh Schedule. Under this article in List 1, later the National Waterways Act 2016 declared six rivers of Goa as national waterways,” the minister said.

Responding to a question about projects under this scheme, Sequeira said the IWAI is undertaking developmental works strictly planned and proposed by the state for dredging, navigation and berthing facilities with 100 per cent funding from the Central government.

He said four community floating jetties were built and commissioned at Rs 9.6 crore, and 10 more were sanctioned and tendered to facilitate passenger transport, tourism and other community needs.

The minister further said a river information system based on radar, AIS (Automatic Identification System), VHF (Very High Frequency) and CCTV for surveillance in rivers and the coast of Goa is being approved by the IWAI and will be tendered shortly.

Under the scheme, the upgradation and enhancement of navigational aids in the rivers was also approved and tendered, he said.