J&K’s economic health in tatters under BJP Govt: Rattan Lal Gupta

Says middle class and marginalized society are worst sufferers of directionless policies of BJP.

JAMMU August 06th :  Rattan Lal Gupta, J&K National Conference Provincial President Jammu has criticized the BJP Government for abysmal handling of the economy, alleging that the region’s economic health has deteriorated significantly under the present regime and middle class, marginalized society are worst sufferers of directionless policies of BJP.

In a statement issued to media persons, the NC stalwart leader asserted that the full-fledged State had been downgraded inth the two Union Territories. He said that since then the industrial sector of J&K UT is not in good shape, and the much-touted investments and job creation have failed to materialize on the ground. 

Citing the report that J&K received 6,851 investment proposals to the tune of Rs 1.19 lakh crore ever since Article 370 was abrogated five years ago, the NC senior functionary said that no doubt the region must have received the aforesaid deals but the incapable helmsmen have failed to avail any benefits from the same as the report has also boasted about over 4 lakh jobs to be created through these proposals but there is no mention of even a single job created so far. He said reality is dismal because except the option of advising the youths to fry Pakodas, the incumbent dispensation has nothing in offing for the population. 

Rattan Lal Gupta expressed deep concern over the dire state of the economy, pointing out that numerous businesses are struggling to stay afloat amidst mounting financial pressures. He said that despite the government’s claims of attracting lakhs of crores of investment, there is no substantial evidence of these investments benefiting the local economy or creating the promised jobs. He emphasized that no major industry or any new industrial estate has established in Jammu and Kashmir since the BJP has taken over the reins of the country in last 10 years. He said that J&K has ranked up the unemployed states of the country which seems to very unfortunate for the people as well as youth.

“The government has repeatedly claimed that the abrogation of Article 370 would lead to a flood of investments and job opportunities. However, on the ground, there is no visible change. The promised economic revival remains a distant dream,” he asserted. 

Claiming that the government’s grand announcements regarding marginalized sections are also unfounded as these people are the worst sufferers of the directionless policies of those sitting at helm and making big claims. He said that both the Center and the UT’s administration have failed to provide the very basic amenities to the people as every time, those in power corridors come up with new excuses for worsening power crisis, shortage of potable water, dearth-ridden healthcare facilities and other necessities which are imperative for dignified and convenient life. 

The Provincial President said that only NC can bail out people from the current morass as it knows the basic issues and problems of the people of all corners in the region and is adroit enough to steer the region to new heights of success and progress.