Sham Choudhary, Munish Sharma listen to public grievances at BJP headquarter

JAMMU, 17 February: Listening to the grievances of a large number of people from various parts of Jammu & Kashmir, J&K BJP Vice-President & former Minister Sham Choudhary and BJP All Morcha Incharge Munish Sharma, attended to the public grievances and took up the same with the concerned department officials for their early solutions at BJP headquarter, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu.

Numerous individuals and deputations visited the BJP office to meet the party leaders and narrate their woes & problems. The issues presented by common masses before the senior party leaders were related to PHE, PWD, Rural Development, Revenue, Irrigation & Flood Control, Education, Agriculture etc.

Presented issues were on the spot, taken up with the heads of these departments by Sham Choudhary and Munish Sharma telephonically and they were impressed with immediate solutions.

Sham Choudhary, while listening to the issues asserted that people of Jammu and Kashmir have developed faith in the BJP leadership that their issues could only be resolved by their sincere efforts. He said that this faith encourages the common masses to visit BJP headquarter to share their grievances with the party leaders.

Munish Sharma stated that many of the issues presented today were resolved on the spot whereas other issues are impressed for their early solutions.