Day long publicity cum awareness camp for Artisans held at Panjar

 UDHAMPUR, February 22: A One day Publicity-cum-Awareness camp was today organized by the Handloom Development Department Udhampur at Panchayat Halqa Panjar Block Moungri to aware the Weavers/Artisans of the area about the developmental welfare schemes run by the department for their Socio-economic up-lift.

DDC Councilor Panchari / Moungri Jasveer Singh was the  Chief Guest, who formally inaugurated an advanced sixth-month training programme for ex- trainees under the Karkhandar scheme at Dev- Kund Panjar. J&K Bank Branch Manager Moungri/ Panjar was the  Guest of honour on the occasion.

As many as 150 weavers including the general public of the area participated in the camp. Assistant Director Handloom Dev. Department Udhampur, Narsing Dayal Verma presented the welcome address.

Speaking on the occasion, the DDC Councilor appreciated the department for its proactive approach towards the welfare of the weaver community. He also directed the department to establish more cooperative Societies in the rural area of both Tehsil Moungri and Panchari to uplift the weaver community of this far-flung area.

Assistant Director Handloom, Narsingh Dyal Verma informed the public about various schemes launched by the Handloom Development Department Udhampur for the weaver / Artisans community. He urged them to avail the benefits of the schemes like Pradhan Mantri Weaver Mudra Scheme, Credit card Scheme, Education Scheme, Loan for purchase /Renovation / Modernizations of Looms, Share capital Loan, and formation of Co-operative Societies to increase their income. He further stressed that the Weavers should adopt latest technology and new designs by replacing the old type of pit looms to Modern Fly shuttle looms so that the quality of products and their earning is improved.

Sarpanch Panchayat Halqa Panjar, Koshal Kumar thanked all the participants present in the camp and appreciated the Handloom Development Department Udaipur for organising this camp.

Later, the chief guest presented Handloom accessories to the 32 Handloom weavers provided by the weaver Service Centre Srinagar.