Kishtwar: SVEEP Programme ignites Electoral Awareness in AC 48-Inderwal

KISHTWAR, SEPTEMBER 11: Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) campaign took centre stage today across Mughal Maidan, Drubeel, and Marwah areas of Assembly Constituency (AC) 48-Inderwal.

The SVEEP programme at Mughal Maidan was marked by an energetic Nukkad Natak performance by the students of Government Higher Secondary School (HSS) Mughal Maidan. Through a creative and engaging street play, the students conveyed vital messages about the importance of voting, the power of each vote, and the responsibility of every citizen to participate in the democratic process.

The performance drew an enthusiastic response from the local community, raising awareness on voter rights and responsibilities, and highlighting the necessity of increased voter turnout in rural areas.

Meanwhile, a seminar on voter awareness was held at Government High School Drubeel, which saw active participation from both students and local residents.

The seminar was followed by a rally, where students, teachers, and community members marched through the streets, chanting slogans encouraging people to vote. The rally not only spread the message of electoral participation but also fostered a sense of civic duty among the younger generation. Participants held placards and banners promoting the importance of voting in free and fair elections, stressing that every vote counts towards building a stronger and more representative democracy.

At Marwah headquarters, an impressive SVEEP programme was organized, focusing on engaging grassroots health workers, including Anganwadi Workers (AWW) and Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs). Recognizing their influential role in rural communities, the event sought to empower these women leaders to act as ambassadors of voter awareness within their localities.

During the programme, detailed sessions were held to educate AWWs and ASHAs about the electoral process, voter rights, and the importance of encouraging rural women and marginalized sections of society to cast their votes.

This effort is seen as pivotal in addressing voter apathy in remote and hard-to-reach areas of the constituency.
As part of the continuing SVEEP campaign, more such programmes will be organized in other parts of the district to ensure that every eligible voter is well-informed and motivated to exercise their right to vote.