SVEEP: Voter awareness programmes organized at Machil

KUPWARA, SEPTEMBER 12: Under the Systematic Voter’s Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) campaign, various voter awareness programs (VAPs) were organized today at remote Machil area of Kupwara to encourage electoral participation and ensure an informed, inclusive and ethical voting process.

Mega Voter Awareness Programmes (VAPs) were organized at Govt. High School Machil and Govt. Boys High School Chountiwari Machil.

District Nodal Officer SVEEP (Chief Education Officer) Kupwara, Ab. Majeed Dar while presiding over the awareness programmes urged the participants to take an active role in the democratic process of voting.

On the occasion, the District Nodal Officer said that more than 2500 saplings were planted in the district contributing to a greater and healthier planet for all generations.

Earlier, National Anthem singing and voter Pledge Ceremony was organized.

A plantation initiative was organized on the occasion which is a pivotal component of the SVEEP program. The event witnessed the enthusiastic participation of various stakeholders, students and locals of the area.

CEO Kupwara solicited the cooperation of the community in safeguarding and nurturing the planted saplings, emphasizing the collective responsibility towards environmental conservation.

The plantation drive underscores the District Administration’s commitment to environmental sustainability and civic engagement, marking a significant step towards a greener and more participatory future.

Later, Voter Awareness Rallies were organized under SVEEP at Machil and Chuntiwari.

Hundreds of students, locals of the area, AWWs and Ashas participated in the voter awareness rallies.

The objective of the awareness rallies was to encourage the general public and first time voters to vote in upcoming assembly elections in large numbers, motivate the young voters to participate in the electoral process without any hesitation and ensure maximum voter turnout to help in strengthening the core values of the democracy.