Property Tax is salt to the already grim sores of the people of Jammu: Ch. Lal Singh

KATHUA February 26: The second day of Jan Samparak Abhiyaan led by Chairman DSSP in Basholi constituency evoked a massive response of the people. While addressing a series of meetings at different places, Ch. Lal Singh lambasted the government and the so-called leaders of Jammu defending its arbitrary decisions and said that the proposed property tax on the people of JKUT is just like rubbing salt on the wounds of the gullible people of Jammu who are already passing through a critical situation of unemployment and poverty.  The government instead of giving relief to the people is playing in the hands of bureaucrat  and ignoring the ground reality. 

While condemning the killing of Sanjay Sharma in pulwama district today, Ch. Lal Singh said that the spree of violence in the valley, speak of hollow claims of the government. Sanjay Sharma an innocent was on his way to a local market, in yet another targeted killing of a minority community member in the valley. The government tries to divert the attention of the people to hide its failure by bringing arbitrary and draconian orders. DSSP is firmly standing for the interests of Dogras and therefore, the party stand on separate Jammu State is very clear. The people of Jammu are capable of handling internal security of its land.

DSSP on its second day of Jan Samparak Abhiyaan held meetings in the villages Batadi, Chumud, khaddi, kashir, Saroga, Dramman and jamna of Basholi constitucey. Prominent those accompanied Ch. Lal Singh includes Jatinder Pappu, Parambir Singh, Vijyant Pathania, Rahul Dogra, Sandeep Sambyal and all office bearers of Basholi constituency of DSSP.