Ice wall climbing competition 2023 commences at Gangles

Leh, February 27: The second edition of ‘Nurbu Wangdus Memorial Ice Wall Climbing Competition-2023’ organised by North West Frontier, ITBP in collaboration with Ladakh Mountain Guide Association commenced today at Gangles.

Member of Parliament, Ladakh, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal was the chief guest, while ADG, Western Command ITBP, Manoj Singh Rawat was the guest of honour. Besides, Upper Leh Councillor, Phuntsog Stanzin Tsepag was also present.

Appreciating the organiser, Member of Parliament, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal said that ITBP has been contributing to Ladakh in many ways, such as exposure tours of school students to other parts of India, organising activities related to women and organising medical camps.

He added that Ladakh being a strategically important place, ITBP has been given the responsibility to guard the Indo-China border under ‘one border one force’. He added that whenever he visits Eastern Ladakh, he interacts with the ITBP personnel. Further, he added that at the same time, it is our moral responsibility to take care of ITBP. He also requested ADG, Western Command ITBP, Manoj Singh Rawat to review how we can provide better facilities to the personnel deployed at the border areas of Ladakh. Also, asked to review the telecommunications facilities among others.

Mentioning about the Vibrant Villages Programme, he informed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved Rs 4,800 crore for ‘Vibrant Villages Programme’ (VVP), a centrally sponsored scheme for the financial years 2022-23 to 2025-26.

MP Ladakh, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal also inaugurated a medical camp during the event.

Meanwhile, ADG, Western Command ITBP, Manoj Singh Rawat congratulated all the participants. He added that ITBP will contribute to the development of Ladakh, be it in developing ‘Vibrant Villages’ along India-China border or organising adventure activities. Also, added that the future of Ladakh seems very bright after UT. Further, he hoped that participants from all over the world could join the Ice Wall Climbing in future.     

Earlier, IG, North West Frontier, ITBP, Sanjay Kumar Gunjyal, welcomed the guest and hoped that the Ice wall climbing team would represent at the national level and international level in the Winter Olympics. He congratulated the ITBP personnel and LMGA for successfully organising the competition despite harsh climatic conditions.

Deputy Inspector General (DIG), North-West Frontier, ITBP, Sandeep Khosla presented the vote of thanks.

Around 100 participants/ competitors are taking part in various events. 

Five teams from ITBP Force, two teams of LMGA, two teams of school children from various schools of Leh and Ladakh Police are taking part in the event.

At the end, a cultural programme was also showcased.