Is Dead by Daylight Crossplay?

Canadian studio Behaviour Interactive’s Dead by Daylight is a horror game. Dead by Daylight is a 1v4 game in which you can be a killer and the other 4 players need to survive the level to win. The game featured crossovers with many horror movies, TV shows, and other games.

Dead By Daylight is released for PC on 14 June 2016, for PS4 and Xbox One on 20 June 2017, for Switch on 24 Sept 2019, for iOS and Android on 17 April 2020, for Stadia on 1 Oct 2020, for Xbox Series X/S on 10 Nov 2020, and for PS5 on 12 Nov 2020.

The game received positive reviews from the critics. As the game is available on multiple platforms every gamer has one question: is Dead by Daylight crossplay?

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Is Dead by Daylight Crossplay?

The good news is Dead by Daylight supports crossplay or cross-platform play across all the devices. This means if you have PlayStation or Xbox, you can crossplay the game with your friend regardless of the platform you are playing on.

For example, if you have a PS4 you can play the game with your friends if they have Xbox, PC, or Switch. You can crossplay the game with your friend on any platform as all the game versions for every platform support crossplay.

Is Dead by Daylight Cross-progression?

The good news is Dead by Daylight supports cross-progression or cross-save on all the platforms. All the game currency and DLC are also shared on all the platforms.

All you need to do is sign Dead by Daylight with your registered email address and all your progress will be synced across all the devices.

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Lastly, this is all about Dead by Daylight crossplay and cross-progression. The game supports both crossplay and cross-progression across all the devices. If you have any questions regarding the game’s cross-functionality you can ask us in the comment section below.

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