ADC Kupwara Chairs HADP meet, discusses measures for conduct of successful baseline survey, awareness

KUPWARA, April 20:  To discuss the measures for awareness for farmers  and conduct of successful baseline Survey of Farmers regarding Holistic Agriculture Development Programe (HADP), ADC Kupwara, Gh. Nabi Bhat today chaired a meeting of concerned officers at the Mini- meeting hall of the DC office Complex here.

At the outset, the concerned officers apprised regarding the arrangements put in place for the successful conduct of farmer’s orientation programme under the HADP in the district.

The ADC Kupwara stressed upon the Sectoral Officers of Agriculture and allied departments to give the programme wide publicity using social media apps and other tools of communication  so that mass participation of the farming community can be assured.

 It was apprised in the meeting that the Sheep Husbandry Department in Kupwara district which is  nodal department in collaboration with other Agriculture and allied departments is going to conduct Farmers Orientation programme under Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) in all 24 CD blocks of the district. 

It was said that the programme is   commencing from 24th April and will cover all panchayats of the district.

It was further said 133 Panchayat Ghars in Kupwara district have been identified as orientation spots to cover all the panchayats across the district. 

The orientation programme shall be conducted by the Resource Persons including Gazetted officers and Supervisory Staff of the Agriculture and allied departments who shall record and collect the basic data and feedback from the farmers. 

The programme shall cover 45 projects conceived under HADP programme in which Audio visual aids will be put into use for effective orientation and awareness.

For proper monitoring and supervision of the programme, each district officer of Agriculture and allied department shall look after 3 CD blocks. 

Booklets shall be provided to unemployed educated youth for mass awareness.

ADC Kupwara also asked the concerned  to raise awareness among the farmers about modern tools and techniques that have been incorporated in HADP to overcome the prevailing constraints and use different extension methods to motivate the farming community in adoption of proposed interventions in the approved projects.

Meanwhile, the ADC assured all possible help from District Administration for the successful implementation of the programme in the district to uplift the livelihood of the farming community.

With regard to the collection of baseline survey for the holistic  programe the ADC Kupwara said that while conducting the baseline survey accurate and first hand information should be collected and besides information regarding landholding of farmers should also be recorded.

ADC Kupwara also directed the concerned staff and filed functionaries to keep themselves updated and additional knowledge about schemes and economic models of dairy/poultry farming and advance technologies in agriculture and allied sectors.

The meeting was attended by Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Officers from Agriculture, Horticulture Animal Husbandry, sheep Husbandry, and other officers from allied departments.