ADC Shopian Chairs Public Outreach Camp at Berthipora Keller

SHOPIAN, JULY 31: To take firsthand appraisal of public welfare and developmental issues, the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Shopian Dr Zakir Hussain Faaz today visited the Panchayat Berthipora in Keller Block to chair a public outreach programme.

People from the villages of Berthipora, Mastpora, Kral check, Gatipora, Moshwara, Batmuran and other areas participated in the camp and raised issues of public interest and grievances with ADC for their prompt resolution.

Key issues raised by the public included the demand for better road connectivity, drinking water supply, reconstruction of Irrigation canals, provision of irrigation facilities, development of rural assets, issues of waste management, provision of transformers and establishment of receiving stations, grievances pertaining to pension, ration cards, upgradation of educational, health and other infrastructure requirements of Keller area.

The ADC assured the participants of prompt action and gave on-the-spot instructions to the concerned departments for the time-bound resolution of the issues emphasizing the district administration’s commitment of fulfilling the demands of public on priority.

ADC reiterated the commitment of administration to ensure the inclusive development of all areas of the district through micro level & decentralised planning.
He urged all officers to work with dedication to ensure that the rights and needs of the people are met efficiently by them.

ACD, CEO, DIO,DMO, Tehsildar, BDO besides various other district officers, block officers and officials were present on the occasion.