ADC Shopian convenes regarding prevention of Child Marriage

SHOPIAN, March 29: Additional Deputy Commissioner, Shopian, Yar Ali Khan today chaired a meeting of concerned offices  to take stock of the progress made in addressing and  preventing child marriage in the district.

ADC directed the officers to take tangible steps for controlling and preventing  the occurrence of child marriages.

He also emphasised upon them to counsel the people of the district not to indulge or allow child marriages and also to create awareness about the ill effects of child marriages.

ADC directed CEO and DSWO for conducting awareness camps in this regard taking Ullamas of Masjids, AWWs in confidence and generate awareness to stop the social evil  for ever from the society.

Police authorities were asked to keep close vigil on it and taking stern action against those involved in child  marriages.

Among others, CEO, DSWO, ALC, CDPO, representative from police and other concerned were present.