ADDC Rajouri held a comprehensive review of RDD sector

RAJOURI, JULY 26: In a significant move to bolster rural development initiatives in the district, Additional District Commissioner Rajouri, Dr. Raj Kumar Thapa, today chaired a comprehensive review meeting of the Rural Development Department.

During the meeting, the progress made under various flagship programs, including PMAY and Awas Plus, Aadhaar seeding, person days generated under MGNREGA, SBM-G and other schemes was meticulously reviewed.

The ACD provided a detailed briefing on the status of these schemes. It was informed that out of 62314 houses under PMAY and Awas Plus, the work on 43213 houses is complete. While taking review of the progress made on persons days generation under MGNREGA, it was apprised that 297350 PDs have been generated as on date. Taking note of the court cases of RDD, the ADDC stressed the importance of timely filing of replies. He also reviewed the activities under SBM-G and the updation of GPDP on the PDI portal. While taking note of the activities as a part of the ongoing Swatchta Pakhwada, he directed for ensuring maximum participation in the initiative.

The ADDC emphasized the importance of timely completion of works as a crucial factor in maximizing the benefits derived from rural development initiatives. He also stressed that timely completion of works, ensuring that benefits reach the intended beneficiaries, maintaining transparency and accountability and close monitoring of progress are essential. He also directed the officers to make dedicated efforts and work with added zeal to meet the expectations of the rural masses.

The comprehensive review meeting demonstrated the unwavering commitment of the district administration to rural development, underscoring the impact of various schemes and initiatives on the lives of its residents.

The meeting was attended by the Assistant Commissioner Development, Vijay Kumar; Assistant Commissioner Panchayat, Sheraz Chowhan; EXEN REW, Zaheer Khan and Block Development Officers.