Advisor Dr Pawan Kotwal finalizes Annual Action Plan (CSS) for Department of Agriculture & Horticulture

Leh, 20 August, 2024: The Advisor to the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, Ladakh, Dr Pawan Kotwal chaired the UT-Level Sanctioning Committee meeting to finalize the Annual Action Plan of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) for the Department of Agriculture and Horticulture, at the Civil Secretariat, Leh.

At the outset of the meeting, a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation was made by the Nodal Officer Agriculture Department on proposed Annual Action Plan on various centrally sponsored schemes which includes National Food Security and Nutrition Mission (NFSM), Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Sub Mission on Agriculture Mechanization (SMAM), Per Drop More Crop (PDMC), Sub Mission on Agro-Forestry (SMAF). Additionally, Director Horticulture made a detailed presentation on Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH).

During the meeting, detailed deliberations and discussions were held on the Detailed Project Report based Annual Action Plan under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) for the year 2024-25 in respect of Agriculture Department, UT Ladakh which included Revised Annual Action Plan (AAP) for Soil Health and Fertility Component, Revised Annual Action Plan (AAP) under Rainfed Area Development (RAD) component, Revised Annual Action Plan under Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna (PKVY) scheme component of PKVY. The Annual Action Plan proposes to expand the area under cultivation by using technology like drip irrigation and the setting up of advanced testing laboratories.

Advisor Dr Pawan Kotwal highlighted the procurement of high-quality seeds and the process of producing vermicomposting across Ladakh and its importance for sustainable farming ensuring the production of organic fruits and vegetables. He emphasised on the importance of organic cultivation and sustainable farming for achieving the goal of turning Ladakh into organic state.

Dr Pawan Kotwal directed the concerned officers to promote farming equipments and subsidy schemes ensuring maximum benefits to the farming community. He also stressed on the proper documentation of the schemes or projects so that they could be replicated across the UT after successful completion on pilot basis.

The meeting was attended by Secretary Agri./Horti, Dr Laltinkhuma Franklin; Secretary GAD/PHE, Michael D’ Souza; Secretary RDD, Amit Sharma; Deputy Commissioner Leh, Santosh Sukhdeve; Deputy Commissioner Kargil, Shrikant Balasaheb Suse; Director Finance, Dr Safdar Ali; Director Animal Husbandry, Dr Mohd Ismail; Director Horticulture, Tsewang Punchok; Deputy Director PD&MD, Tsering Angdus; Under Secretary Agri./Horti. Amir Suhail; Under Secretary RDD, Mohit Sharma; Under Secretary Forest & Ecology Jigmat Angchuk; Head KVK Nyoma Dr Phunsog Tundup; Scientist DRDO/DIHAR Dr Tsering Stobdan.
The officials stationed outside attended the meeting virtually.