Advisor Ladakh Dr Pawan Kotwal chairs 4th Project Steering Committee meeting of SECURE Himalaya Project
Approves Annual Action Plan 2023-24

Leh: June 10: Advisor to Honourable Lieutenant Governor UT Ladakh Dr Pawan Kotwal chaired the 4th Meeting of the Project Steering Committee of Government of India-United Nations Development Project Global Environment Facility securing livelihoods, conservation, sustainable use, and restoration of high range Himalayan ecosystems SECURE (GoI-UNDP GEF SECURE) Himalaya Project at Civil Secretariat, Leh.
Advisor Ladakh Dr Pawan Kotwal approved the Annual Work Plan 2023-24 and reviewed other matters pertaining to the SECURE Himalayan Project, while also reviewing it’s performance of the past year.
Advisor Dr Kotwal emphasised on promoting sustainability of wildlife in Ladakh and impressed on constituting forums of civil society organizations by developing research centres, and institutions to exchange knowledge of past, present, and discuss future interventions to build a synergised environment. The Advisor gave instructions for capacity building of Bio-Diversity Management Committees of Changthang through workshops, exposure visits and expert trainings. Additionally, the Advisor stressed on training the local youths, frontline staff along with capacity building of Wildlife staff to allow exchange of knowledge and skills for the promotion of responsible tourism activities.
Deliberations were also held on promotion of organic farmyard manure (Rigpa) produced from livestock farms across higher reaches of Changthang, which are known for their high acidic content. The Advisor gave directions to the concerned departments to provide subsidy on transportation of organic manure from the area.
Further, Dr Pawan Kotwal also spoke of the Dark Sky Reserve in Hanle cluster, which shall prove vital to diversify and improve local livelihood opportunities through the development of wildlife and astronomy based responsible tourism.
Discussions were also held regarding preservation and development of Chumathang Hot Spring and Demchok Hot & Cold Spring for promotion of sustainable and responsible tourism. During the meeting, Dr Kotwal also approved the Comprehensive Scientific study for Environment Protection in Tso-Kar.
The GoI-UNDP GEF SECURE Himalaya project promotes sustainable management of alpine pastures and forests in the high range Himalayan ecosystems to secure conservation of globally significant wildlife, including endangered snow leopard and their habitats to ensure sustainable livelihoods and socio-economic benefits for communities in the selected high-altitude landscapes in the Trans-and Greater Himalayan regions.
Chief Conservator of Forests Department, UT Ladakh, Director Department of Animal/Sheep Husbandry, Director Department of Accounts & Treasuries, UT Ladakh, Director Planning Department, UT Ladakh, Director Tourism Department, UT Ladakh, Director Department of Education, UT Ladakh, and Director Rural Development & Panchayati Raj Department, UT Ladakh attended the meeting. Representatives of Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change Government of India and representatives of the National Project Management Unit, SECURE Himalaya, UNDP joined the meeting virtually.