AICC leader Solanki hits out at Modi govt for false promises
Jk lost identity, status, democracy under BJP- Vikar

Jammu, Feb 3- AICC senior leader Incharge J&K affairs ,former Union power minister Shri Bharat Singh Solanki has accused BJP and prime minister Narendra Modi ji of making false promises to check price rise, give two cr jobs and doubling the income of farmers but after ten years people realize that every time they come out with a diversionary tactics before elections.
. Addressing a convention organised by OBC, Minority, ST & Kissan congress besides refugees at RS Pura today along with Senior PCC leadership and prominent leaders of these sections, Solanki termed BJP’s policies against the poor, downtrodden and farmers who have suffered immensely under unprecedented price hike and joblessness.
Modi ji sold big dreams in 2014 to attract the poor and downtrodden towards BJP but unprecedented price hike, lack of jobs and anti poor, anti farmers policy has ruined them while the rich are enjoying under BJP.
He said congress took care of all sections especially poor and downtrodden in it’s policies & programmes and it implemented 73rd & 74th amendment for their political reservations at all levels of grass roots institutions but in the delimitation justice was not done to various deprived sections, minority communities & areas in J&K.
With the abolishan of upper house the minority sections will get deprived of due representation in the legislature. He also referred to the package for refugees framed by congress which was not fully implemented by BJP government.
He also referred to the power shortage and installation of smart meters etc, the former minister said that UPA gave huge funding for installation & argumentation of major power projects and there is still lot of scope for mini power projects too to generate power and provide employment besides giving subsidized power to people.
Solanki asked people to bring about change at the centre and j&K for a better future of their youth and common people.
The function was organised by Minority chairman Rajinder Singh Nathu, Incharge ST Dept Hussain Ali Wafa, Vice Chairman Kissan Congress Daleep Kumar and OBC led by Madan Lal Chalotra.
JKPCC president Vikar Rasool Wani, AICC Secretary Manoj Yadav, working President Raman Bhalla, Former Dy CM Tara Chand, Senior Vice President Ravinder Sharma, Former Minister Gurbachan Kumari Rana,Vice presidents Naresh Gupta AICC Coordinator Jammu, Pranab Shagotra, General Secretary Narinder Gupta (Org), T S Tony, Suresh Dogra, Akash Bharat, Rajveer Singh, Vijay Shastri, Jatin Raina ,Badri Nath & others attended.
Addressing the gathering PCC Chief said that J&K lost identity, status and rights to land and jobs besides democracy under BJP regime. Poor was evicted from their lands and unemployed have no jobs while our resources are looted & trade taken over by outsiders .Where are achhe din for poor, common man and the unemployed youth, farmers ,daily wagers, old age, widows & other such sections he questioned , urging people to throw out BJP to save Constitution and democracy in the country, assuring to do justice to deserving sections.
Raman Bhalla listed various anti poor, anti farmers and anti farmers & anti dalit policies of the BJP government and said that only congress can deliver justice to all sections of the society and bind them together.
The divisive policies of BJP government have created a bad social and political atmosphere in the country against which congress is fighting a war. He sought cooperation of people to defeat BJP’s false propaganda and uproot it from power.
Former Dy CM Tara Chand lashed out at the BJP for its anti downtrodden people policies and attempt to weaken the Constitution which guarantees equality and equal opportunities of progress . He cautioned the people to safeguard the Constitution given to the nation under chairman ship of Dr B R Ambedkar ji, which is being weakened by BJP government.
He said that poor people especially weak & downtrodden have suffered a lot under the BJP regime and they are deprived of their lands under occupation and jobs besides deprived of resources and change is only way to protect common man.
Leaders of the respective wings of PCC minority wing, ST, OBC, Kissan congress and T S Tony spoke highlighted their issues and demands before the Congress leadership. Tony highlighted the demands of JAT community and border people, who he claimed feel neglected.