AIIMS security guard’s exemplary honesty lauded by administration

New Delhi, Mar 6 (PTI) Showing exemplary integrity and honesty, an AIIMS security guard has helped return a suitcase carrying cash worth Rs 1 lakh to a former Bihar MLA, who has appreciated the gesture in a letter to the hospital’s security department.

Anil Kumar, the former MLA, thanked the security guard Amarnath Rajak in the letter and said all items in the suitcase were intact.

The AIIMS administration has also lauded Rajak’s act.

On February 27, Kumar had gone to Rajkumari Amrit Kaur OPD for treatment and forgotten his suitcase in the block. Rajak spotted it and tried to look for its owner. He then submitted it to the security control room.

To ascertain its owner, the suitcase was opened and officials found that it contained cash and clothes. A diary containing some numbers was also found. After calling on some of those numbers, it was established that the suitcase belonged to Kumar.

The whole process was videographed.

“We thank you for your dedicated service to AIIMS, New Delhi. I have been informed that on account of your exemplary work with utmost honesty, your organisation M/s SIS Limited has promoted you from security guard to civil security supervisor in SIS Limited in consultation with our security department,” AIIMS Director M Srinivas said in an appreciation letter to Rajak on March 3.

“The example of honesty and dedication presented by you will inspire many youths of our country to emulate your work ethics and I once again place on record our appreciation for the same,” Srinivas added.

When contacted, Rajak said, “I have been working at AIIMS for the last seven years. I just did my duty and everyone should do so.”