All About Sonic Route 44

Welcome to the ultimate guide to Sonic’s Route 44! If you’re a fan of Sonic Drive-In, you’ve likely heard whispers of the legendary Route 44. But what exactly is it? In this guide, we’ll delve deep into the heart of All about Sonic Route 44.

We will uncover its origins, its significance, and everything you need to know to make the most out of this iconic offering. 

What Is Sonic Route 44?

The Sonic Route 44 is a massive 44-ounce drink size that this drive-in joint offers. Here are some key points about it:

  • First, it’s bigger than their standard Large drink, which is 32 ounces. So yeah, the Route 44 packs a serious punch with its 44-ounce capacity.
  • Now, the name Route 44 doesn’t refer to an actual highway route. Instead, it’s just a catchy name Sonic came up with for this super-sized drink option.
  • Moving on, Sonic introduced Route 44 as an even bigger size beyond their regular Small, Medium, and Large options. They wanted to give customers an over-the-top drink choice.
  • Get this – Sonic even experimented with a mind-boggling Route 444 cup that holds a whopping 444 ounces! That’s like 10 times the size of a regular Route 44. Talk about quenching your thirst!

So yeah, Route 44 is Sonic’s way of offering a massive drink for those with a serious thirst. And if that’s still not enough, well, they’ve even pushed the boundaries with that insane Route 444 option.

What Is The History Behind Sonic Route 44?

The history behind Sonic’s Route 44 is summarised below in an easy way so that you can understand it well.  

1. Let’s start from the beginning. Sonic Drive-In, founded by Troy N. Smith, Sr., opened its first location in 1953 under the name Top Hat Drive-In. Can you imagine walking up to a root beer stand back then?

2. A few years later, in 1959, the company underwent a name change, and the first Sonic sign was installed at the Stillwater Top-Hat Drive-In. Sounds like they were already thinking big!

3. Now, let’s talk about the star of the show – the Route 44 drink size. This massive 44-ounce drink wasn’t always around. Sonic introduced it as a larger option beyond the standard Small, Medium, and Large sizes.

4. But why Route 44? It doesn’t refer to a highway route. It’s simply a catchy name they came up with for this extra-large drink size. Gotta give them credit for creativity!

5. As Sonic grew and expanded over the years (they now have over 3,600 restaurants in 44 different states!), they also got involved in some cool initiatives. One of them is the Limeades for Learning program, which supports public school teachers and students. Isn’t that awesome?

6. So, there you have it! The history of Sonic’s Route 44 drink size is a journey of innovation, growth, and a touch of quirkiness. Who would’ve thought a root beer stand would lead to a 44-ounce beverage sensation?

Let me take you to the most popular Sonic Route 44 drink sizes. It’s time to give a shot at any one of the listed below: 

  • Cherry Limeade
  • Vanilla Cream Coke
  • Cherry Lime Red Bull Slush
  • Peach Sweet Tea
  • Sweet Tea with Cream and Vanilla
  • Sweet Tea with Coconut
  • Half Sweet Tea Half Lemonade
  • Sweet Tea with Mint
  • Green Tea with Mint
  • Green Tea with Cream and Vanilla
  • Sweet Tea with Orange and Cream
  • Green Tea with Peach
  • Green Tea with Mango
  • Sweet Tea with Strawberry
  • Sweet Tea with Strawberry and Cream

These are just a few popular of the diverse and refreshing Route 44 drink options available at Sonic Drive-In. 


Sonic’s Route 44 isn’t just a drink size; However, it’s a legendary icon in Sonic Drive-In. With its whopping 44-ounce capacity, it’s the ultimate choice for those looking to quench their thirst in a big way. Originating from Sonic’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, Route 44 stands as a testament to their creativity and dedication.

Exploring into its history reveals a journey of growth and evolution, from humble beginnings as a root beer stand to becoming a nationwide sensation with over 3,600 locations across 44 states. And amidst this journey, Sonic hasn’t forgotten to give back, with initiatives like the Limeades for Learning program, showcasing their commitment to their communities.

But what truly sets Sonic’s apart are its diverse and refreshing drink options. From classic favorites like Cherry Limeade to innovative creations like Green Tea with Mango, there’s something for everyone to enjoy along Route 44. Stay Updated with Takeone for such updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What exactly is Sonic’s Route 44?

Sonic’s Route 44 is a drink size offered by Sonic Drive-In that measures a whopping 44 ounces. It’s larger than their standard Large drink size, providing customers with a super-sized beverage option.

2. Why is it called Route 44? Does it have any significance?

The name Route 44 is simply a catchy label Sonic came up with for this extra-large drink size. It doesn’t refer to an actual highway route. It’s just a creative way to differentiate it from their other size options.

3. How did Sonic come up with the idea for Route 44?

Sonic introduced Route 44 as an even bigger drink size beyond their standard Small, Medium, and Large options. It was their way of offering customers a more substantial beverage choice, catering to those with a serious thirst.

4. What are some popular Sonic Route 44 drinks?

Some popular Route 44 drink options at Sonic Drive-In include Cherry Limeade, Vanilla Cream Coke, Peach Sweet Tea, Green Tea with Mint, and many more. The diverse menu ensures there’s something for everyone’s taste preferences.

5. Are there any unique or experimental drink sizes beyond Route 44?

Yes, Sonic once experimented with an even larger cup size called Route 444, which held a staggering 444 ounces! While it’s not a regular menu item, it showcases Sonic’s willingness to push the boundaries of beverage sizes.

6. How much does a Route 44 drink cost compared to other sizes?

The price of a Route 44 drink varies depending on the specific beverage, but generally, it’s priced higher than its Small, Medium, and Large options due to its larger volume. The exact prices can be found on Sonic’s menu board or website.