ANUGRAHA and Jammu University organizes Five day Outreach programme on Primary Health Care for Senior Citizens
JAMMU, March 15- National Institute of Social Defence, Ministry of Social justice and empowerment in collaboration with ANUGRAHA Regional Resource Centre And Training Centre on Ageing and Department of Home Science, JUorganized Five day outreach programme on Primary Health Care for Senior Citizens for the youth. The inaugural ceremony of the programme was held in the Department of Home Science, JU and Prof. Rajnikant, Dean Research Studies, JU was the chief guest for the function.

In his address, he talk about the theme of the programme that is very relevant in today’s time and also narrated his personal experiences related to the theme. He talk about the changing scenario of family from joint to nuclear. He said that due to lack of care many elderly are left to fend for themselves in old age. They also have to face many financial fraud and social abuse.
There is need to address these care needs of older adults and sensitize the care takers regarding these issues. In today’s busy world, the youth need sensitization in maintenance of familial relationships so that the elderly don’t feel neglected and lonely. He congratulated the efforts of Department of Home Science and ANUGRAHA under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and emphasize the need for wider coverage of such sensitive issue and suggested to have more such programmes especially for the Research Scholars under the aegis of office of Dean Research Studies.
Earlier Prof. Samridhi Arora, Head , Department of Home Science, JU and also the coordinator of the programme in her welcome address mentioned the aims of this outreach programme that is to create awareness and educate youth on the importance of primary healthcare for the elderly, provide useful information on available healthcare services and resources, and promote healthy aging practices. She urged that all participants to take advantage of the opportunities provided by this outreach programme, engage actively, and participate in the discussions to gain insights and knowledge that will help promote healthy aging. She added that with this programme we embark on a journey to promote healthy aging and improve the quality of life for our elderly population.
Dr. Aabha Choudhary, Chairperson of ANUGRAHA Regional resource and training centre on Ageing introduced the activities of ANUGRAHA and objectives of the five day outreach programme. In her address she highlighted the need for sensitization of elderly people regarding the primary health care and which can be achieved by organizing such programmes where youth can play a pivotal role. She also enlightened the participants that master trainees will be selected after completion of this programme thus giving an opportunity to the youth to be engaged in the empowerment of the senior citizens. She also talk about that there is need for digital safety among elderly, financial management and quality of life. Further she talk about that there is need to make a module for quality of life for elderly people and also take a pledge to spend at least 10-15 minutes daily with the elderly and show some care, love and affection towards them.
The faculty members from the Department of Home Science, JU also grace the occasion and prominent among them were Prof. Neeru Sharma, Prof. Shashi Manhas, Dr. Charu Mohan, Dr. Arpana Langeh, Ms. Anu Choudhary and other faculty members from JU, who were present on the occasion were Prof. Jasbir Singh, Head, Department of Philosophy, JU, Prof. Anupama Vohra, Convenor Publication Cell,JU Prof. Anju Thappa, DDE, JU, Sh. Ranjeet Kalra, teaching faculty, HRDC, JU, Dr. Hema Gandotra, Department of Sociology, JU and Dr. Jasleen, DDE, JU The programme is being attended by students and scholars of Department of Home Science, University of Jammu.
Ms. Deepali Arora, Sr. Advocate in J&K High Court and also State Coordinator of the ANUGRAHA Regional resource and training centre for Ageing presented the formal Vote of Thanks .
The Programme was ably conducted by Ms. Anu Choudhary,teaching faculty in the department