Awareness lecture on “Sexual Harassment: A legal Perspective” held in GCW Udhampur
UDHAMPUR, October 28: To spread the awareness among the students, an awareness lecture on “Sexual Harassment: A legal Perspective” was organized by Internal Complaint Committee against Sexual Harassment (CASH) of Government Degree College for Women Udhampur.

The College Prof. Anjali Mahajan was the chief guest on the occasion.
The Chief Guest, in her address, appreciated the organizers for hosting the thought provoking event as it will help the students to enhance their knowledge about their rights and responsibilities in educational institutions and also to use them in the right direction.
The resource person, Sandeep Kaur, Member Child welfare committee, explained the meaning of sexual harassment and its various types which a women may face. She further discussed the various rights of a woman and legal remedies under law related to sexual harassment. She motivated the students to strongly say, “NO” to unwelcomed behavior/gestures. She also encouraged the students to report and stand firmly against any act of sexual harassment. The session ended with healthy discussion.
Earlier, Dr. Seema Sharma, Convener CASH presented a formal welcome address. The proceedings of the programme were conducted by Anisha Bhat, a student of semester-V while the vote of thanks was presented by HoD English Prof. Tania Akhtar.
Around 120 Students attended the programme. Prof. Sarika Mahajan, Dr. Kewal Kumar, Prof. Shallu Jasrotia, Prof. Yash Kumar and Nitika Sharma graced the occasion with their benign presence.