Is Baldur’s Gate 3 Crossplay? Patch 8 Update!

Are you excited to crossplay with your friends in Baldur’s Gate 3? Well, keep up the zeal as Baldur’s Gate 3 crossplay is all set to be released. So, now your long-lasting wish to play with your pals is finally happening.

With the next big update in the game, Patch 8, crossplay will be introduced. But wait, that’s not all! The Patch 8 update also introduces 12 new subclasses and a brand new photo mode. Now you can combat the Absolute with greater moves.

Now the question arises when is this new update taking place? The stress testing will start in early January but for the final update players will have to wait a little more. Let’s explore more details on the crossplay and other features coming to Baldur’s Gate 3.

Is Baldur’s Gate 3 Crossplay?

Yes, Baldur’s Gate will support crossplay across all platforms. With the recent update going to happen in the game, Baldur’s Gate 3 will bring many new features, including crossplay.

At present Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on Windows, PlayStation 5, macOS, and Xbox Series X/S. With the game’s crossplay availability, players can now play together with their friends across all these platforms.

For instance, PS5 players can play together with PC players, Xbox Series X/S players can play together with PS5 players,s and so on.

This offers a great opportunity for the players to connect across different platforms and form a strong gaming community.

What Else Is Coming in Patch 8?

As mentioned earlier, the Patch 8 update is not just about crossplay. It’s more than that. A lot more features are going to be added to the Patch 8 to make your gaming experience even more special. Have a look at the new additions to the game:

Photo Mode

The Photo Mode in Baldur’s Gate 3 will allow players to capture their adventures with style. You get new camera controls to adjust angles and lenses.

The post-processing effects in the game will allow adding filters and playing with lights.

Lastly, the frames and stickers let you personalize your party’s portrait to add fun vibes to your gaming.

12 New Subclasses

The addition of 12 new subclasses will allow every class in Baldur’s Gate 3 to enjoy a new subclass option in Patch 8. This offers fresh abilities and playstyles.

ClassNew Subclass
BardCollege of Glamour
BarbarianPath of Giants
ClericDeath Domain
DruidCircle of Stars
PaladinOath of the Crown
FighterArcane Archer
MonkDrunken Master
SorcererShadow Magic

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Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 8 Release Date

The exact release date for the Patch 8 update has not yet been announced by the developers. The stress testing is likely to start in early January 2025. This will allow players to have a look at the new features like subclasses and crossplay in the game.

The updates regarding the stress test will be provided by Larian Studios. So keep checking for any announcements if you want to participate.