Bhutan’s Queen Mother inaugurates ‘Bhutan TSHAR Institute’ to support bamboo artisans

Thimphu [Bhutan], June 12 (ANI): Bhutan’s Queen Mother Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck virtually inaugurated Bhutan TSHAR Institute in Kalapang Gewog of Bhutan’s Monggar district on Sunday, The Bhutan Live reported.

The institute has been established by Tarayana Foundation as part of the project “Promoting Integrated Bamboo-Based Enterprises Development among SAARC Countries,” The Bhutan Live reported. The institute has been funded by the SAARC Development Fund and it aims to provide livelihood opportunities for bamboo artisans, farmers, youth, and rural communities in Bhutan. The institute will offer training and employment prospects in the bamboo industry, with a focus on youth, women, artisans, and farmers. It will help in skills development and provide raw materials, design assistance and market access, The Bhutan Live reported.

Sonam Gyeltshen, field officer of Tarayana Foundation, stressed that rural communities will benefit from the institute. Gyeltshen said, “With the establishment of this institute, various initiatives and training programmes will be organised. Thus, rural communities will greatly benefit from the institute, while ensuring the production of high-quality bamboo products,” according to The Bhutan Live report.

Bamboo artisans who are currently participating in the Tarayana Foundation’s annual fair in Thimphu have welcomed the establishment of the institute. According to the artisans, the institute presents opportunities for them and also helps in preserving the bamboo works tradition.

Tshering Jamtsho, a bamboo artisan, said that they have an abundance of bamboo in Zhemgang. According to Jamtsho, their parents were bamboo artisans, however, over time they have lost the art of bamboo working tradition. Tshering Jamtsho said that Bhutan’s Queen Mother’s initiative will immensely benefit bamboo artisans.

Pema Wangmo, another bamboo artisan, said, “Currently, I create almost everything using my bare hands. Therefore, I hope to enrol in the institute and learn how to operate the machine. By doing so, I believe I can expand my business further,” The Bhutan Live reported.

The Tarayana Foundation plans to engage interested youth and communities in accessing the services of the institute. The Tarayana Foundation aims to collaborate with the DeSuung Skilling Programme in the future.