BJP District Jammu conducts office bearers’ meet
JAMMU December 19: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), District Jammu conducted its office bearers’ meet under the leadership of its President Parmod Kapahi at Eden Garden, Jammu.

The meeting was formally inaugurated and addressed by J&K BJP Seh-Incharge Ashish Sood, MP(Lok Sabha) Jugal Kishore Sharma, former BJP President & former Minister Sat Sharma, J&K BJP Vice-President Yudhvir Sethi, former Minister Priya Sethi, Secretary Veenu Khanna, Prabhari District Jammu Rajeev Charak, District President Parmod Kapahi, Vibhaag Organizing Secretary Inderjeet Khajuria and other senior leaders.
Meeting was attended by the BJP State Office Bearers, District team, JMC Councillors, Morcha Presidents, Mandal Presidents and other senior leaders hailing from Jammu District.
Ashish Sood, while addressing the meeting focussed on the role of district Office Bearers. He said that as the meeting is the first of its type for the newly constituted District team, there will be many new learning things for all the party activists who are given crucial responsibility. He said that this responsibility must be taken as a serious opportunity by the District office bearers to serve the people and establish the distinguished role of BJP as the most selfless party. He also focussed on the importance of strengthened booth structure in the organization.
Jugal Kishore Sharma congratulated all the newly inducted team members of District Jammu and said that the BJP holds the distinction of being a truly democratic party. BJP gives opportunities to ground-level activists based on their level of dedication.
Sat Sharma spoke on the connecting role of the party leaders to join the party and the common masses. He said that the District Jammu has now more active role to play after the reorganization of the District along with the due responsibilities.
Yudhvir Sethi spoke on the true integration of all the cultures of India under the vision of Ek Bharat Shresht Bharat by Modi ji and the achievements of Modi-2.0.
Priya Sethi focussed on the ground work to be done by the BJP activists. She said that their works should reflect the ideology and working style of party.
Rajeev Charak spoke on the integrity of BJP activists and the organizational duties after being inducted into the District team.
In his Presidential address, Pramod Kapahi thanked the party seniors for putting faith in him and whole new team of District Jammu. He said that they will work sincerely for the extension of party activities into every nook and corner of the District while carrying on with the development and other organizational activities at the ground level.
Veenu Khanna spoke on the Mann Ki Baat, the popular AIR programme by Modi ji.
Inderjeet Khajuria spoke on the forthcoming party programmes.
Naveen Sharma spoke on the utilization of Saral Data and the web portal initiated by BJP.
Satya Bhushan Dubey spoke on the use of Social Media and its use.
J&K BJP Media Secretary Dr. Pardeep Mahotra sung Vande Mataram. Organizational Song was sung by District General Secretary Kuldeep Kandhari. Condolence note was read by District Vice-President Jaideep Sambyal. Meeting proceedings were conducted by District General Secretary Adv. Rajesh Gupta.